Saturday, November 15, 2014

Another Reason Why So Many People Fail In Their Business Is Because They Listen To The Negative People The Nay Sayers

Another  Reason Why So Many People Fail In Their Business Is Because They Listen To The Negative People The Nay Sayers 

Do not listen to these Nay Sayers

Our amazing industry is a very simple one and at the same time it can be hard, working in front of your computer all night and not getting the results you are hoping for, although, if you read the mega seller "secrets of the millionaire mind"by T. Harv Eker, you know HOPE is never the right word to achieve something, The review of this life chancing book can be found right HERE.

It is funny and amazing how our our brain is working and reacting to the impulses, good or bad, positive or negative.

I have a huge respect for the people who must think of something new, every time they "design"a brand new advertisement for washing powder or food or a brand new car, it is not only about targeting the right market today it is all about triggering your unconscious mind and how to get you exited or emotional, positive or negative.

And especially we let us being influenced from another people, and we all seems to listen to our so called friends who tell us not to do this or not to start with that opportunity, because they care, many people listen to their so called friends even if they know deep inside they are wrong.

A good friend will always lift you up, whatever choices you will make in life

For me one of the best videos about this subject is the video you are gonna watch right now, from one of the most successful marketer on this planet who broke every existing record of our industry, enjoy!

Let No One Steal Your Dreams, No One!

I have been watching this video many times and for me the message in this video is not only 100% true but Vick Strizheus is also explaining that listening to the negative friends, most of them are not successful, is never an option!.

98.3% of the Nay Sayers are not and will not be successful with their lives!

Negative people are mostly people who are not successful with their lives, as T. Harv Eker is telling us in his book "secrets of the Millionaire mind" and this is so true, a real friend will always lift you up, even if the friend disagrees with the decisions you make,
The Nay Sayers will always try to drag you into their own negativity, their own failures and their own lousy life they are living.

This is one of the reasons why many people who start with a home based business or with internet marketing will quit within 3 months, because the results are not coming in right away and when the family and especially their so called friends are starting giving yyou their "advice"than most people give up, although deep inside they know the are with the right company and deep inside they know they should not listen to their so called friends.

Set your own personal goals in life and let no one influence you to quit, never!

But what do you need to succeed with your home based business? a good question and please ask yourself these questions before you join an opportunity or a home based business.

  1. Does this company has a proven success record of at least 3 years?
  2. Does this company provide the latest in training and technology and support?
  3. Does this company have the best commission plan for me? TIP: Do not start with any company who offer commissions less than 75% of the sales! Better is 100% 
  4. Does this company have live events where you will meet like  minded people who are lifting you up, supporting you and where you can learn the latest marketing trends and tips.
  5. Does this company pays you every month or better every week, do not start with a company where you must wait 3 months to get paid, and believe it or not many companies, especially the brand new ones, vanish after 3 months so you get nada, nothing!
  6. What is the vision of this company
  7. What products does this company offer, TIP: always go for the company who offers you and the customers products many people are looking for so a so called high demand product, in other words can you sell these products to as many people possible or is there a huge market for these products.
  8. HWere is the company situated, or is this a post box company somewhere on a exotic place where you and I never have heard of, this is important when there are problems with payments  etc, when this company goes broke and you are getting a lot of money from them, it will be almost impossible to get your money when such a company is located somewhere "hidden"
This list could go on and on but these answers are the most important ones and I am sure you could give some more, and please do below in the comment section!

What you need is a company who will motivate you lift you up ad with the 100% commission pay plan and with the best ultra high demand products out there and with state of the art training that really provides you with the answers how to market and where to market and how to many money fast and so much more!

And we saved the very best part for now, this company "coupled"with the automated marketing system most of the successful marketers are using, this is a no brain er and the results of the past weeks are staggering and unbelievable, even newbies are getting results with this combination.

Pleas take a moment and watch this short video, it explains it all!

The only thing you need to do right now is to make the decision right now.
Start the test drive of the company and the automated marketing system right here by clicking the "get started today"button right here.

Post and share and earn money take a look at the new "Facebook" social media site HERE
To join the new social media revolution for absolutely free and earn money daily click HERE 
Please like our new Face Book Page HERE

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