Thursday, November 13, 2014

Educating Girls Is Smart For All Of Us Or The Education Scam And The 8 Hour Workday Madness Scam Called Work

Educating Girls Is Smart For All Of Us Or The Education Scam And The 8 Hour Workday Madness Scam Called Work

At first sight, it seems to be a good statement, educating girls etc, but after giving this line a second thought it blew me away, again.

We are all being scammed again and again and again

You see the problem with the education is this.
You go to school where the teachers will tell you, brainwash you, go to school everyday, make your home work everyday and after school you need to find a job and raise a family and buy a house and two cars"" , and you will live a happy life, REALLY????!

We call this the education scam

Think about this, after going to school and maybe to the university you will find after years of studying things you probably do not need in the real life anyway, you will end up unemployment and with a huge depth, before even start to work.
Of course there are people who love what they are doing like a doctor, if you wanted to become a doctor your whole life that s fine and if you love being a doctor, helping others with a huge study loan you need to pay for the coming 10 or 20 years that s fine, but most of the people coming from school or university do not find jobs and still must payback a study loan nobody asked for for a education you do not need anyway! And that s a fact!

Why are the governments promoting education what do you think? 

To Educate you to become brave tax payers and after you finally have found a job, although not the dream job you always ve dreamed about they want you to go to work 8 hours a day perhaps commuting to your job will cost you an extra 3 hours a day, and after work you come home dead tired, than cook and watch stupid TV and go to bet early because tomorrow the same scam start over again!

This is what they call life, REALLY? Is This The Life You Dreamed About??!

Times are turning, they are so many people from all over the world who are waking up, who do not want this sort of life, they want to start to live the lives they have always dreamed about, not the 8 hour workday madness called work!
Here is the short video about the 8 hour workday madness, called work

Get Up Stand Up, Stand Up For Your Birth Given Rights

Your birth given rights are to live the life you really want, not dictated by a government, it is your birth right to work from where you want, how long you want and with who you want! It is a birth given right to drink clean drinking water without Fluoride, it is a birth given right to have access to healthy and affordable food, it is a birth given right to become an entrepreneur to chose your own life and your very own path to success without any interference from any government! 

That s why more and more people are starting with a home based business, because they want to decide when to work and for how long. They do not wish to be dependent from any government any longer and want to create their very own economy!

But starting an onlune business is not easy, you will need guidance, mentoring and a great automated system to make things really work, You also will need a company with aa proven success record for at least 3 years, you also need a company with the best training available, you will also need a company that provides the best high demand products and a company with a clear vision not only for now but lso the future, you will need a company who pays 100% commissions, when you answered more than 3 times yes, it is time you watch this very short video, it will blow you away and will change your life and those of your family


We are a community of like minded and positive people from all ove  the world, we would love to lock arms with you and fight together the forces of evil and to help you to get you started.
The home based business industry is a huge bone and is growing rapidly everyday, the products we offer are the number one training products every (smart) marketer should won, there is a huge international market for these high end training products and there are thousands and thousands of lives already chanced by this company and with the automated marketing system we are all using to get results fast.
Start live the life you really want, together we can do this, we need you right here and right now to start telling as much people about this amazing company and theis amazing automated marketing system. We need you to spread the word , we want you to become successful not only for yourself but also for your husband or wife and your children, wake up now, let s lock arms together join the like minded positive fastest growing community on this planet right now, we would love to work with you!

Here is a short video of a woman who took action, who made a decision just by clicking on the same "get started today"button as you will be clicking, an inspiring success story, enjoy!

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