This Billboard Picture Caused A Massive Traffic Jam In Frankfurt, Germany

Here they are a bunch of guys who are living the lifestyle most people only dream about.
Traveling the world when others are sitting in their cars heading to the 8 hour madness they call work. Or enjoying the lifestyle of the wealthy and successful ones somewhere in the Caribbean in the sun while others driving around in the big crowded cities looking for a parking space on a cold winter day. This is the real entrepreneur s lifestyle.
Where do you want to be right now?
The 5 guys in this picture in front of the Cruise ship made a decision some time ago, they decided to lock arms and start to take action, no MLM, no chasing Family or relatives or even friends, no phone calls no huge investments. But a simple 8 step easy to follow system so simple even Grandma can do this.
They decided to join "The People s Company" the fastest growing internet marketing community with the best products the Highest commissions payout, and the best commission pay out plan ever, the worlds best training and support and The People s Company reinvented the live events, seeing is believing.
Here is a short video taken at the beach, enjoy
And these guys are not rocket scientist they don t have a masters degree in marketing or internet marketing, none of that, they are like you and me started some time ago, made a decision to change their lives and those of 1000 s others. And now they are ready to help you from day one, with marketing tips that really work and with the latest most up to date inside tips on how to create a realistic, high income producing business within 90 days.
Look like the guys in this video, #PauloBarroso, #JonPenberthy, #ToddDowell and #AlexZubarev, they all started not long ago, most of them struggling for years with internet marketing, and look at them now, living the life of the #richandfamous, and while shooting this video making money on autopilot.
Paulo Barroso
Is this for everybody?
No, it is not. When you are looking for a one push button and get rich in one week scheme or software please go somewhere else, we are not interested in working with you!
But if you are really serious about taking your personal and financial life to the next level and you re " Coach-able" we can help you to become successful and living the life you ve always dreamed about.
But we can support and coach you but if you don t have the right spirit and the ultra strong will to become successful, please stay away from us.
But you re ready, you re sick of the 8 hour hour workday madness called job, you want to take action, massive action, you are willing to do whatever it takes to succeed, you re ready to click the Banner of one of our Mentors (who has made over $4.000.000 in 2013) to watch the video right now!
post and share and earn money take a look at the new "Facebook" social media site HERE
To join the new social media revolution for absolutely free and earn money daily click HERE
The Chart That Exposes The Fake Economic Recovery In The USA
You only need to see one chart to understand that the so called 'economic recovery' is one big lie. In this must watch video, Mike Maloney explains what caused this mess...and the one thing that we can do to help correct it. If you haven't yet seen Mike Maloney's latest presentation, click here. It is jam-packed with economic information that will affect you and your family whether you like it, or not.
They Started In A Small Room With A few People Now It Is The Fastest Growing Marketing Company
Dave Wood
Dave Wood And David Sharpe were both active in the Network Marketing Industry before they started what we call the peoples company, Empower Network back in December 20111.
David Sharpe
The Main Reason Why they Started The Peoples Company
The Main Reason why they started Empower Network is that, back during their time within the MLM, Network Marketing Industry they were very successful but most of the people from their team were not.
(sounds familiar?) In this article Dave Wood explains the network marketing industry today and why almost nobody will or can succeed click HERE for the article
Dave Wood broke, in the network marketing industry every existing record, especially the record about recruiting people, in those times, companies were very happy if their distributors were "sponsering" 1 or 2 new people a month into their business opportunity, Dave Wood sponsered 2 till 10 every day!!
They were sick and tiered of "selling"the next biggest business opportunity to their family, friends, neighbors.
(sounds familiar to you?). They were sick and fed up about the small, tiny commissions from the companies.
The First, Still Epic Promotional Video Of Empower Network
The Time Was Right Back In December 2011
The time was right then in December 2011 to start their own company. In a tiny hotel room with just 40 people they unveiled their plans, talked about their goals and their vision of the company.
The huge online market and that is was not only about the money it was also about "empowering"people, and when you read the book "Secrets of the Millionaire mind"by T.Harv Eker you will find out that the name of their new company Empower Network comes from here. The Review about the secrets of the millionaire mind you will find HERE
The Start Of A Never Before Happened Success Story
During the first month and from the beginning they wanted to talk directly to their team members all over the world, they wanted to inform them about the latest success stories and inform them about the latest internet marketing tips and much more, they started the "Monday Night Empower Hour Live Calls"and even today a few years later every Monday night thousands of people from all over the world are listening to the success stories of normal people and the latest tips.
Here is the Video of the very first Monday Night Empower Hour Live Call
It is still an amazing success story from a tiny hotel room to a huge room filled with over 4000 like minded people in just a few years.
They Invented The 100% Commissions Payout
It is absolutely true, what seems to be normal and often copied these days, back in 2011 they invented the 100% commissions payout to the industry and left the whole industry in a state of shock.
Today with more than 13 created Millionaires with over 53 people earning over $500.000 this company has a proven success record and is creating new success stories everyday.
The Time Is Absolutely Right To Start With "The Peoples Company" There is no other company who has created more Millionaires and More success stories then this company, period.
A Easy Step By Step Business Blueprint Is One Of The Secrets To Success
The "secret"of the successes of many "normal" people is the step by step, proven business blueprint and the "8 core commitments you need to do daily.
For more info About The Peoples Company and How we can help you with the online and offline marketing please contact us, thanks!
Ipas2 System is broken down to the Internet Prospect Acceleration System
looking at a full review of what the Ipas2 system funnel is about, let’s talk briefly on the history, the founders, and what it takes in putting the online marketing system together.
Click HERE for Direct Free Access
Click HERE for Direct Free Access
The creators, Chris Jones and Chris Campbell have been putting this marketing system since before April 2011, and have worked together to make the best streamline system and training for the new to the advanced online marketer.
*iPas2 Black Card
This Video Will Be Taken Down Without NoticeWatch it NOW
While this was originally offered to the Prosperity Team, it is now for any team member and anyone that wants to use the system.
You can use the iPas2 system and promote any business, yet the exclusive back end product is Empower Network. This collection of tools has been tested and masterminded.
IPas2 system has been in testing since before January 2014 and now is able to get into a fully launch by September 2014.
The system is built upon 3 principles that every business vitally needs:
- System
- Leverage
- Automation
Once you see this mapped out fully, you’ll see how crafted these marketers are in introducing new people that have no prior knowledge to marketing.
Ipas2 Features and Benefits
See some of the features and benefits of this Internet Prospect Acceleration System, which is what Ipas stand for.
- Creating success to the masses and train to become master marketers.
- Ability to create multiple streams of income on complete autopilot that is laid out systematically.
- High Volume traffic resources that brings more leads and sales.
- High quality training and professional trained business coaches and assistants to upsell your prospects without taking a percentage of the sale
- Real time campaign tracking to avoid loosing and wasting money on what is not working
- Daily live marketing training so you know what to do inside your business.
- Weekly live new member training that will create a culture that your team will feel a sense of belonging-ness.
- Customize a team resource page, so they know who their sponsor is and someone to contact in setting up their business.
- Huge Community of Support
- Available to the masses!
- The latest cutting edge technology to create a winning funnel formula for the new marketer to the advance making high converting funnels online.
iPas2 Dashboard and Backoffice
Ipas2 Inside Demonstration – What’s inside
The Ipas2 front end offer starts with a $7 offer.
This trial is for 7 days. After the trial, starts the residual payments to auto re-bill $47. The up-sell is after the trial.
Testing the funnel of the front end is just to cut even and profit so more people can see the back end.
The coaches are ready for you to help you with the back end. If it works with cold traffic that have never seen this will work for warm traffic that know a little more about you and what you are doing.
There are many parts that go into the system to best get the best conversions for buyers.
The Ipas2 system is focused to get 5-10% more buyers than more leads. That’s more of the focus of what you will see in the lead capture page.
When you take them to a different page, it decreases conversions. So they enter your email list and go through the buying process in one page. It is optimized is to get the most buyers.
Most times, online marketing systems will send out the same emails over and over, that you get a lead list to a buyer list.
When you take the Ipas2 system trial, you already get to segment that trial buyer’s list.
This will allow you can create an account in the multi-step form.
The first 5 min. video will intro to the $47 system. Success formula training and system of how everything works. The purpose of the training is to tell them about Empower Network with Increase Profit Maximizers with the different levels of products inside of Empower Network.
You can customize your team with how they can reach out to you. Fill out the questions and do coaching with. Goals, dreams and you know what you need to know about them to close them to a higher priced product of education.
Fill out the coaching information with a customized bio. The chat system works like Facebook and you can chat with them on the site. You can higher volume of people. The chat feature will elimate time and reach out to them. They will see that in their process. They have someone there to help them along the way.
You can do it or have their coaches do it for you. To have that option, you have to be a black member. Which means you must own all core products inside of Empower Network. These core products are the Viral Blogging System for $25 and the Inner Circle Audios for $100 a month. Then the one time purchase of the Costa Rica Intensive at $500, the 15K Formula at $1,000 and the Masters Course at $3,500. Then it is $97 a month to have access to the coaches ready to do it for you.
Twenty coaches are trained currently and ready to help the system. When you handle high volume this can be helpful, as you outsource and scale up your business.
There are Two ways to get started with Ipas2 System
Use the system and make money without the Empower product. The other option is to get the bundled together when it is offered. The first call to action is to get the starter kit. A physical product is also in their hands, and both residual components to the system.
First step because they have gone through a buying process and now they $197 because they are committed to make a decent amount of money making 20% of $125 until you have brought in 5 people. Then you make 50% on the next 5 people. You have to go through all the steps from start to finish. Activate API and what level they are from that integration.
Choose your auto-responder, as Empower has the options as GetResponse or Aweber. Ipas2 is only using GetResponse and be connected to people and move them around easier with different web forms, etc.
Multiple funnels are set up from lead list and buyers list and you do not have to change each email manually. If you do need help with the set up process, there is a $50 set up process fee you can get it done for you.
50% commissions for regular members, Black members make 75% in iPas2 system.
The system is right in alignment with what Empower Network which pays through the Ewallet.
Learn how to set up their tax info for their business as well.
There is a specific step to set up your coaching or use their coaches.
You can also show when you are available and they can select those times to contact you.
iPas2 Membership Breakdown
With the Ipas2 Black card, you can put your GetResponse affiliate link and make profits with that affiliate tool when you own all the products.
It will show you how to launch the business.
Email, text messages, status updates is inside the free training.
The paid resource inside the Ipas2 online marketing system is the Traffic Broker and they source all the traffic for the system for sales. They have to make sure they see the best publishers, etc. They are going to get the best traffic to get sales.
You can come in here get trial sales and make money from what they are purchasing and track their purchases.
The basic training is involved on paid traffic. Contact and hustle to get sales. More training on story marketing is needed as all the marketing training is inside of Empower.
The marketing system is where you will find your links to promote and traffic codes and pixel tracking so they can see how many sales from each traffic source.
Ipas2 with Empower Network
A huge benefit from lead to sale inside of Empower which is an Added benefit with custom sales pages inside of Empower.
It’s another added benefit to help increase conversions and allow you to learn different styles of selling as hopefully.. and eventually…
Get YOU to focus on building your own capture pages, sales pages, bridge pages…
all pointing to different offers like -> ipas2, empower, and any affiliate offer you chose.
You can see what products your teams have as well (with the integration of API). They know what products came from a certain campaign.
Then you can see the total amount of money made in the campaign. So you can see where the campaigns are profitable.
Inside you can do your own coaching, and you can see your sponsors information and also leave notes on the system and pull up your team’s game plan. Type an intro message when they come in as well to their chat system.
You can see the commissions come in for clean screen shots as well for social proof.
You will see an activity feed of new messages, commissions, etc. Inside there is also a section for activity on the conversations and updates with the system, like hangouts, etc.
There is also a way to see your stats by income from product and broken down in time as well. See it in a glance in one view.
Empower Network + iPas2 System = Accredited

iPas2 and Empower Network (If You Are A Member Of Both)
So one of the cool things about this system is that it is NOT there to “cross recruit” other members of empower network.
Not even there to be a system to “trade money around” and encourage others to go attack your downlines just to make a buck.
Not even there to be a system to “trade money around” and encourage others to go attack your downlines just to make a buck.
And here is why.
iPas2 uses the Empower API if you are in empower network.
Example: So what happens is if you decide to join iPas2 System later on and say 200 of your direct members joined before you…
You don’t miss out completely.
Once you join iPas2 and plug in your API…
The magic of iPas2 kicks in… It Automatically starts to pull your teams BACK to the main EN organizational team tree.
So then those 200 will then be BACK tied to you and the continuity and products tied to you again.
This is HUGE….
This prevents cross recruiting as members (can make initial sales from others…)
But if you just sign up… and say your team uses OTHER people’s link to iPas2…
You STILL get the commissions and sales because you have an account..
It ALL comes down to … make sure you take an account with iPas2 here…. then
If you are in Empower Network… regardless if your team uses your link or someone elses’s….
as long as you have an account.. the system will check the EN API team structure and pay out
ACCORDING to the EN team structure.
NO chance of cross recruiting (as long as your EN sponsor has their EN active account and API plugged in)
and so you can feel at ease and be able to HELP
and so you can feel at ease and be able to HELP
-other cross line member
-orphans with no sponsors
-members with no teams
-new member with sponsors who are not helping
-orphans with no sponsors
-members with no teams
-new member with sponsors who are not helping
You can plug them into a system that allows them to get trainings, custom funnels…
and you are actually HELPING their sponsor with upsells in empower, and
if their sponsor joins iPas2 you can be at ease you did it to HELP them both..
if their sponsor joins iPas2 you can be at ease you did it to HELP them both..
not just a quick commission check.
Because… look… iPas2 system has yet ANOTHER residual income stream…
PEOPLE might go crazy and think this is another easy way for them to make another $500/month… (income disclaimer)
but in reality… systems like this is so you can SCALE your business, Grow your main Offer,
Expand past your own systems, and…. TEACH you marketing funnels.
Expand past your own systems, and…. TEACH you marketing funnels.
*Marketers who ONLY focus on the quick front end, cross recruit, and try and make sales from OTHER people’s lists
without focusing on their own internal value….. they never make it big… You can tell the marketing style.
without focusing on their own internal value….. they never make it big… You can tell the marketing style.
- get in, get in… but the backend offer is nothing…
- they go NOT build their own list, the feed on other people’s teams and lists
- they go NOT build their own list, the feed on other people’s teams and lists
This type of marketing is a growth phase of a marketer and if they don’t wake up… they will forever struggle
in any business.
in any business.
How to get past that?
Build traffic sources, Understand how traffic works, Get your own and build your own lists.
Tripwires work well seeing a variety of them and how they work better shows how it fits in the full system.
NOT just selling small front ends to other people…. It’s about delivering real value.
Tripwires are just super low front ends that give great value away… but the full intention is to build a relationship.
Forget this = Forget breaking $10k/month
TripWire Example (Low Front End Offer, High Value To Prospect To Show Trust)
And show you different angles of a TripWire… Like this one
TripWires that are super valuable and allow you to grow your business WHILE
Delivering excellent value to your leads and prospects…
Delivering excellent value to your leads and prospects…
That’s the win – win
- You make money
- You build a relationship with your list
- Your list sees your are about selling high quality solutions to their problems
- You confidence goes up with each and every “easy sale”
And all of it was designed to help build you
- Generate Front End Sales
- And Sell Empower Network Automatically with Selling Coaches… yeah… cool right?
- Generate Front End Sales
- And Sell Empower Network Automatically with Selling Coaches… yeah… cool right?
And without this awesome API system in place… chaos would start…
You can be sure... there is no monkey business going on…
The API integration was designed to HELP keep the teams together… Regardless when they start their iPas2 System.
People are using the business to BUILD empower and maintain the team integrity.
The FULL FOCUS is on protecting the Empower Teams and giving you piece of mind….
iPas2 System – Parts
Ipas2 Residual Income Monitor, and certain amount of trial sales.
Get an achievement goals. Keep in focus as well. There is also an income calculator to hit a goal. It shows you how to sale on how much you need to pay for traffic with how much commissions you want to make. There are a lot of options and leader board. There are also cash contest that will be involved every month.
There is a section for specific team training’s and hangouts going on. If you have a specific weekly training, you are welcome to add it to the community training page.
There is also a community spot to meet their sponsor. The teams have disappears and to have your sponsor, and then iPas2 and go to the Facebook community.
You can also see the income levels like 20k club, 100k club where people have reached these achievements in their business. There is a place to put your bio and a video welcoming people to you and the system.
How Do You See The Ipas2 Online Marketing System Yourself?
Get with the person who brought you here is your first step so you can become an ipas member. (they can give you a direct link)
You will want to work with your EN sponsor also… don’t sleep on that.
You will want to work with your EN sponsor also… don’t sleep on that.
To add your Empower Network user name, make sure you are in the system and then you can promote the ipas2free. Go grab your promo link, promo copy, and share on social media, etc.
Then the hangouts will help educate you on how to promote as well and send people to the iPas2 free account.
If they are on your team, they will keep the integrity and keep the member with your sponsor. Even if they come into the system, they will get the commissions to your Empower Sponsor. It will Be launched and open on Sept. 8th.
There are so many updates and changes as they have gone through testing. iPAS2 has a trial, set it up and make money and build a team, then get billed $47 and their sponsor will get paid. You can make money from all your downline. The front end is a residual product.
There is no cross recruiting with in this iPas2 online marketing system as well, as when the sponsor plugs in the system, the commissions automatically go up to the direct Empower Network Sponsor.
Always ask your questions in the comments.
Take the iPas2 trial, so you can be introduced with how this online marketing system works, and how easy it is to share with your team. Plus have fun customizing and branding your own profile and team training inside of Ipas2 system.
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