Monday, September 8, 2014

From A Bunch Of Guys In A Tiny Smelly Hotel Room To A Multi Million Company

From A Bunch Of Guys In A Tiny Smelly Hotel Room To A Multi Million Company 

This Is an amazing but true and real story of a bunch of guys in a tiny and smelly hotel room back at the end of 2011 starting a company with just an idea and goals.
It was and still is not only about "just" earning money but to lift people up to "empower" people who have never had the chance to earn real money with the internet.

The idea sounded so simple,

To build a company in which everyday people would have success

Many people who start with internet marketing have been working in the network marketing business or MLM business, why?

Please watch the short video below till the end and you will find out why network marketing does not work anymore, are you in network marketing right now? Watch the video and you will be amazed, promised!

As in an other article on this blog, you can find the article right HERE, we were talking about network marketing and why so many people from this business even the big leaders with thousands of people in their organisation, join us every week.

The were only about 40 like minded people in the tiny and smelly hotel room back than in 2011, but the vision was clear and the idea was great, starting a company for the people in where everybody would have the equal opportunity to chance their lives, with a easy to follow 8 core commitments plan everybody would understand. Since than, we prefer to call this muli Million company "The People s Company".

One of the great ideas to help to empower the people was to organize a live conversation every Monday night, so people from all over the world could listen to hear the real success stories from people from the same company and also being informed about the marketing tips and trends that really works.
Below is a short video of one of the very first Monday night live call from the People s Company, enjoy!

It is truly amazing that from a tiny and smelly hotel room to a company with over 300.000 affiliates and customers in just a few years.

There Must Be Something They Did Right Over The Last Years

And yes this is so true, not only they have chanced thousands of peoples lives they expanded almost all over the world and this is just the beginning, the people s company is growing at warp speed and the only person who is still missing here is you.

Do The Test By Yourself And Test drive Our Fully Automatd Marketing System Right HERE

post and share and earn money take a look at the new "Facebook" social media site HERE
To join the new social media revolution for absolutely free and earn money daily click HERE 

Please read also this article about the vision board HERE
Please like our new Face Book Page HERE

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