Sunday, September 14, 2014

You Can Bring A Horse To The Well But You Can not Force The Horse To Drink From It Or How To Market The Right Way

You Can Bring A Horse To The Well But You Can not Force The Horse To Drink From It Or How To Market The Right Way

I was listening to one of the Inner Circle Audio s Yesterday Night and this one was an audio from 2013 with Tracey Walker, the first female Million Dollar Ring from the People s Company, Empower Network.

One Million Dollar earner Tracey Walker

In this Inner Circle Audio Tracey Walker was talking about the right way to market and that we can not force other people in our organisation to do what they are been told to do, Tracey means with this that what she or you are suggesting to your people in your organisation it does not automatically mean that those people are gonna do what you are telling them to do.

Do Not Try To Invent The Wheel Again!

Tracey Walker start from being broke, cut off from electricity and facing a foreclosure and a repossessing her car, when she started with the direct marketing industry, she was also talking about the struggle and about the worlds biggest scam, school.
But the big message she gave in this audio was that most of the marketers are marketing the wrong way.

Market Everybody And You Will Be Marketing Nobody

Tracey Walker was also talking about finding the right market for the products or company you are promoting, it will certainly not help to market to everybody, because at the end, you are marketing to nobody. Example: You are promoting a dog training masters course so than think before start to market this course, who are your customers, where do they live and what do they read and what social media are they using? These are just some examples of the things you MUST think about when targeting a market with products or the company you are working for.

Tracey Walker getting her brand new Maserati

You see, most of the marketers are starting enthusiastic and quit within a few weeks because they do not have the results (read no results) they thought they would have.  One of the main reasons people quit so quickly is because of them, it is not the fault of the product, or the company or the compensation plan or your sponsor, it is your fault, mostly because you do not treat your new business as a real business from the day you signed up, acting like an amateur will give you amateur results, Tracey said in this Inner Circle Audio.

Market Like An Amateur Will Give You Amateur Results

So these are some points you need to think about before even start targeting a group of people.
  1. Know the market, do research, 
  2. Find out which social media platforms like Facebook they are using, so you ca set up different advertisements on Facebook to target those people.
  3. Find out which problems your market face (for example, "my dog do not listen to me", if you re selling a dog training course)
  4. Offer a solution to the marketplace you are targeting, really nobody is interesting in your sales pitch, I see this over and over again not only on Facebook, but on all the other social media platforms, just selling, selling , selling and nobody is earning a dime!
  5. Start listening to those people who are proven successful in your business, do not listen to amateurs who pretend that they are very successful but in real life they earn nothing, when you doubt, just ask for an income proof, you will see, most of them will not answer again, so you will know they are not the right person to listen to).
  6. Surround yourself with like minded positive people, this is so important, to find a community with people helping each other and lifting each other up.

Go to the Events!
  1. Find a company with a proven success record, with products which are not only of a high standard, I mean high quality products, but also look for a company with high demand products, products many people from all over the world are looking for.

Tracey Walker Gets Her Brand New Maserati Delivered

Look for A Company With High Quality High Demand Products

And last but not least if you are new to the internet marketing business and you want (or need) to make a fast start, you will need a proven, fully automated marketing system that does all the selling for you, where you have the opportunity to get a coach who will help you step by step to achieve your goals as soon as possible.
You will also need a company with high demand high quality products who will pay you high commissions, after all we are here all for the money, so look for a company with high commissions and a great compensation plan.
And look for a company with a proven record of success over the last years, a company with real leaders and a vision for now and also for the coming years, with their own marketing training an live events where you can meet like minded people and get the latest tips and tricks on whats working right now.
For more info about the fully automated marketing system almost all successful marketers are using click the "get started" image below. You can test drive this amazing system for the next 7 days and even earn money with it!

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Please read also this article about the vision board HERE
Please like our new Face Book Page HERE
Please read this article about another Google Hangout with Lawrence Tam and Ella Klaasen together with the Elite Team Europe HERETry Ipas2 The fully automated marketing system for free HERE

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