Going To Live Events Will Change Your Life And That Is A Promise And How A Group Of Motivated Like Minded People From Europe Are Changing The Direct Sales Industry
Bunch of German Marketers from the Elite team in Orlando
As talked about in our last blog post to surround yourself with like minded successful people, this article you will find HERE. These successful internet marketers from the Eliteteam from all over Germany, Austria and Switzerland are taking massive action over the last months, they are the creators in Europe of the real online and offline marketing strategies and are creating success stories after success stories with their One Million Project.
The Elite team members driving to the beach
Time after time and again and again people tells us and prove that being at a live event of the company you are working for is a real life changer, not only for your personal life but also financially because most people who come back from an event will notice an increase in their sales.
Attending A Live Event Will Grow Your Business And Your Sales, Period!
Here is a short video of the live event in Miami not that long ago, enjoy!
And here is another video of one of the most epic live events!
Dave Wood and David Sharpe At The Miami Live Event of Empower Network
Dave Wood and David Sharpe At The Miami Live Event of Empower Network
I have no doubt that the goal of the Elite Team in Europe, get 25 new Millionaires in their team in 2015, they will reach, The latest news is that at the end of January 2015 they will held their first live event in Europe will Dave Wood appear here? What do you think, one thing is for sure, it s gonna be a life changing and epic live event in Europe!
Going to live events is not only a matter of going there, it is also about meeting like minded people who lift you up and most of the success stories have been created just right after attending a live event.
So in whatever online or offline business you are in, going to a live event will change your life for sure and do not forget to bring as many new team members as possible, your business will explode after a live event, promised!
Many people will ask the question, How do they do it? How do they get success after success, the people from the Elite Team Europe, and why are they marketing so different than how the people are marketing in America?
Many people will ask the question, How do they do it? How do they get success after success, the people from the Elite Team Europe, and why are they marketing so different than how the people are marketing in America?
Elite team Europe in Orlando
How a group of motivated and like minded people are changing the direct sales industry
And over there in the United States they are asking themselves and others: "How Are they get these amazing results"?
The answer is much easier as expected,
Germany, Austria and Switzerland have a rich history of the Direkt Vertrieb (direct sales organisations) Not only a huge experience in network marketing but also with large organisations ( in German language they call this Orga s) with insurance and life style products, so they know how to build large structures fast and professional.
But the real "secret"is not only the online marketing but mastering offline marketing as well, getting large numbers of people motivated and teach new team members how to build large organisations too, the Elite Team Europe is about to explode, and the latest rumors are that they are preparing for the big next move, taking over the Dutch, the Belgian and the France market as well.
The structure of the Elite Team Europe is well organized and almost with a military precision they are getting people on board at the front end with a low entrance products and than scale up fast so not only the people at the top of the Elite Team Europe are making money but and this is much more important their team members are making money too, Even they managed to get the co founder of empower network in one of their Google Hangouts, which you can watch here!
And the Elite Team Europe earned as a team already more than $800.000 in just a few months, and they just started!
NOW it is time for YOU to start with the best team with this people s company, empower network and now together with the automated marketing system it is more easier than ever to start making money so click the "get started today"button and let s lock arms together RIGHT NOW
Thanks again for taking your time to read this post, please leave your comments below and if you like what you just read, we surely hope so :) please share this article on the social media platforms THANKS!
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Please read this article about another Google Hangout with Lawrence Tam and Ella Klaasen together
with the Elite Team Europe HERE
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Try Ipas2 The fully automated marketing system for free HERE

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