The True Story Of Ra And Ancient Astronauts Huge Cover Up Story
The True Story Of Ra And Ancient Astronauts Huge Cover Up Story
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The True Story Of Ra And Ancient Astronauts Cover Up Story
The story almost nobody knows about, Warning: the sound waves created for this video brings you in a state of meditation.
Between 1981 and 1983- 3 scientist wrote down the messages given to them by Ra, an amazing story.
The True Story Of Ra And Ancient Astronauts Cover Up Story
The story almost nobody knows about, Warning: the sound waves created for this video brings you in a state of meditation.
Between 1981 and 1983- 3 scientist wrote down the messages given to them by Ra, an amazing story.
This video is made by a fellow truth seeker Justin Verrengia also known as the hippie jedi his mission is to help as much people finding the real truth, just like me. Justin and his lovely wife have a vision, a vision of Freedom for all mankind, regardless of the color of your eyes, skin, regardless what your believe is , we are all one and when you are ready to help us free the world and lock arms with the biggest movement and the fastest growing community?

Who are the ancient astronauts? Why did they first come to Earth? Why are they returning now? What part did they play in building the great monuments of antiquity? What part did they play in the formation of present and earlier civilizations? With what other beings do we share our universe? And where does the Earth fit into the cosmic scheme of things? Almost twenty years of experimental work with telepathy led to the "breakthrough" contact recorded in this book. The Ra Material is an account not only of the events leading up to this contact, but of over 200 pages of verbatim transcripts of each and every conversation!
Here is the video of the ancient astronauts by the hippie jedi, enjoy!
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